NOTS Logistics’ Nick Barnett Serves as Officer-In-Charge at COVID-19 Testing Site in Albany, GA

For over 39 years, NOTS Logistics has instilled a culture of caring throughout its company to its customers, co-workers and community. Now more so than ever is the time to step up and take care of one another, and our Assistant General Manager, Nick Barnett is doing just that.
He is currently on active military order as the Officer-In-Charge at the COVID-19 testing site in Albany, GA. Georgia’s Army National Guard is partnering with Augusta University and the Department of Health as part of the statewide testing effort Governor Kemp announced on April 20.
Barnett has been with the NOTS Logistics family for 12 years and has been with the National Guard for over 5 years. While he is away on military duty, he is still working closely with his NOTS team and communicating with them daily via teleconference. In fact, Barnett states that he is utilizing many of the organizational values from NOTS Logistics and applying them to his current role as team lead at the free to public testing site. For example, how he schedules his NOTS co-workers is how he is scheduling his soldiers with “pre-shift” and “post-shift meetings.”
Georgia native Dr. Joshua Lane is also serving at the Albany testing site. Dr. Lane is a United States Air Force Air National Guard Major Flight Surgeon. He also owns his own dermatology practice, Lane Dermatology & Dermatologic Surgery in Columbus, GA. Dr. Lane was impressed with how Barnett was running his team at the site. He and Barnett began talking about the importance of supporting small businesses and the community during this time. Barnett told him how he worked for a family-owned business, NOTS Logistics and his family owned a local restaurant down the road from NOTS in White, GA, Wes-Man’s Restaurant.
Dr. Lane decided to purchase a catered meal for Barnett’s NOTS Logistics team at our White, GA facility from Wes-Man’s Restaurant. On Tuesday, he purchased 37 lunches for our employees to enjoy. Jordon Thompson, Operations Manager at NOTS Logistics, picked up the meals and delivered them to our facility.
We are so proud of Barnett and his dedication to serving as a leader for our company and our country. The entire NOTS Logistics family is grateful for his service. In times like these, it is essential that we spread kindness. Dr. Lane did just that by purchasing our team lunch from Wes-Man’s Restaurant. We are so grateful for his thoughtfulness and service to our country.
Pictured in the upper left is Nick Barnett and Dr. Lane in their masks at the testing-site.

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