NOTS Logistics Hosts annual leadership meeting in nashville, tn

2019 08 24 11.37.07
2019 08 24 08.17.22
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2019 08 24 11.00.02
2019 08 24 09.30.53

This past weekend, NOTS Logistics’ leadership team and managers came together from all of our locations to attend our annual leadership meeting in Nashville, TN. This year’s theme of the meeting was “What Makes the Difference? Motivation, Education, Application.” The purpose of the meeting is to help attendees grow as leaders, so they can walk away with additional tools and innovative ideas to lead NOTS Logistics’ employees and reinforce the company’s culture of caring and cost effectiveness.

There was a variety of topics discussed at the meeting, one in particular being The Power of a Positive Team by Jon Gordon. The team members discussed the book, sharing parts that were impactful to them. The word “meraki” was shared, which means “to do something with love, soul and creativity; to leave a piece of yourself in your work; to leave something behind. As a team, you can leave a piece of yourselves in your work, and together you can leave a legacy.” Our team found that “meraki” fits perfectly within the culture NOTS Logistics has created and continues to create.

From the start, the NOTS Logistics business has been a team effort and it continues to be so to this day. As leaders and managers, the attendees of the meeting truly understand the role of the team is invaluable and is the true reason why NOTS Logistics has been successful. The leadership team is beyond grateful to have such dedicated employees on their workforce. 

During the meeting, team members also discussed challenges within the workplace, and then open dialogue was encouraged to create solutions. Also, business goals were redefined for the remainder of the year and the beginning of 2020.

NOTS Logistics continuously invests in our coworkers’ success, and this annual leadership meeting is one of the many ways in which we instill opportunities for growth to our employees.

2019 08 24 09.23.02
2019 08 24 08.47.46

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